Sunday, November 18, 2012

Length Check: October 2012

Although I'm typing this in November I wanted to check in with you guys and show you my growth thus far. I'm currently 7 months natural and I'm actually a week away from being 8 months! Time is really going fast. It's crazy! So lets get into it!

So, I did a video for October but I was skeptical about posting it. So I figured I'll just take screen shoots of that vid along with my 1st length check vid which was back in June.

Now I know my length goal was to be collarbone by December, but i don't think I'm going to make it. I ended up trimming my hair October 28th and even if I didn't a trim, I think I would of barely made collarbone. Like, an inch or a half an inch above collar bone.

I'm not sweating it though because I rather take my time and reach my goals with healthy hair than to rush the process and have my hair look and feel like CRAP. So I'm probably not going to do another length check video until February. I mean, I'm taking out my braids in January and I'll take pics but I won't post until February.


  1. Whats your youtube channel, i would love to follow your journey Queen!

    1. Aww thanks! but I got rid of it. It became too much too keep up with. I still do videos but only on my length checks which I only upload on here.
