Thursday, November 29, 2012

I knew It!

So, remember I was doing this "imaginary protective style" challenge with Jenell of BlakIzBeautyful on YouTube. I did a post last week about it. Well, guess who won.... ME! I knew it! She made a video last week saying that she was gonna take then out soon. see below....

Yep! She made it to 4 whole weeks and that's good enough cuz sometimes I can't make it the whole 3 weeks.

 I'm surprise I'm not feeing to take my hair out. Around this time, I normally get feed up with my hair looking frizzy and my edges curling up on me. But this time around, I'm surprise I'm still sticking in there. I just make sure I tie my head every night, and I control my edges by rubbing them back with some oil. I guess another reason why I don't mind keeping them in is because it's cold now. I really don't have the time to get up and do my hair so the braids is the perfect excuse.

I have another month to go so lets see.

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