Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Can we discuss shrinkage for a bit....

So I'm on my way to a healthy hair care regimen and I decided that I should take out my braids and get used to my hair. You would think after 9 whole months I would get used to my hair being out from braids but NOPE! So since the new year is a week away, I wanted to get a head start with having my hair out.

I had my hair out for a good week now and I must say, it feels good! I know I wanted to keep my braids in until January but it was best to take them out.

Last week, I was doing wash 'n' stay (because i didn't go any where to have the "GO") and let me tell you something.... Shrinkage is a BITCH!!!

I normally don't do wash'n'gos because... Well... I'll let the picture speak for it self.

Wash 'n' Go without any product
Wash 'n' Go with Miss Jessie's Quick Curls and a Denman brush

See what I'm saying! I wanted to give it a try because I really don't like wash 'n' gos. It makes me look like I have NO HAIR! So why I stick with my twist outs to give me that stretched length. 

Now this is what my hair really looks like...

Nice Blowout afro!

Ridiculous right? My hair shrinks up to 95% which to me is a gift and a curse because I can rock a really short do or I can wear my hair long.

To those of you who are a little discouraged because of your shrinkage hear to say don't be. It's cool to trick peoe into thinking our hair is short. It's good to be versatile. And trust me, you'll miss your short shrinkage. You always miss your short hair when your hair is growing like weeds. So stay focused and don't feel any way!

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